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    Monday, February 13, 2012

    Cars Movie Chart

    Each week my students work towards earning the weekly behavior reward movie. On Fridays, students who have had a good week (based on staying on "green" on the behavior wheel) get to watch a movie during the last half-hour of the day (and sometimes get a popcorn treat as well!).

    I use the pictured chart to monitor who will get to watch the movie that week. At the end of each day, we have our afternoon behavior meeting where students discuss their behavior and get to move their car if they earned it. 

    Not only is our car chart super cute, but it also aligns with our classroom C.A.R.S. theme which stands for Capable And Responsible Students.


    Unknown said...

    What is the alternative activity for those that did not stay in the green for the week?

    Allison Officer, M.S.Ed said...

    Lyna-The students who do not earn the movie read behavior social stories and choices sorts. Once they have completed these they are able to read library books.