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    Thursday, July 5, 2012

    One Lovely Blog Award

    I was super excited this afternoon when I logged on and saw that Lacey over at Challenges Make Life Interesting gave me my first blog award!

    Thanks, Lacey! I am thrilled to have new followers and I am glad to see others appreciate what I have to share about my classroom and teaching experiences.

    Now this award has some rules:

    1.  Follow the person who gave you the award.
    2.  Link back to the person who gave you the award.
    3.  Pass the award on to 15 new bloggers.

    Since I am new to the blogging world I tried to find some newbies out there and also share some of my favorite blogs I have found along the way. Most of them are teaching blogs and some are blogs from friends that I love to read. Here is my list:

    I encourage all of my readers to check these blogs out. There are lots of freebies, tips, and great reads!


    One Room Schoolhouse said...

    Thanks Allison! Thanks for introducing me to some new sped blogs!!


    Unknown said...

    Always wonderful to find such wonderful new blogs! There is so much to learn from one another!

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks so much for the love! :) I'm so excited to explore your blog and all your resources! :)

    Carried Away in Kindergarten