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    Monday, February 13, 2012

    Independent Work

    A great way to create a physical boundary that is also functional is using white wire shelving for our structured teaching area. On one side of the shelf we store all of our file folders and taskboxes. This side faces the lower-level independent work station were kids are mostly working on these tasks. (Note for several students we use a sheet to cover the shelf while they are working to minimize the distraction).

    On the other (back) side of the shelf, I attached a large pocket organizer using binder clips which we use to store all of the worksheets needed by the students working at the higher-level independent work station. Everything we need is easily accessible at each work station and the shelf physically separates the two stations as well.

    1 comment:

    Amy Louise said...

    Hi Miss Allison,
    I've become quite the frequent 'commenter'on your site. I'm finding many of your posts very helpful and applicable to my own categorical classroom for students with autism. I had some 'free time' and was reading your older items. I would love to see the picture from this post (I could not get it to open). I'm always looking for new ways to organize student work. Currently, I use bins under the students desks with folders but this isn't perfect.

    Thanks and please check out my blog if you have a free minute: